Winter Driving Mistakes That Can Put You in Danger

There are many dangers of winter driving, and safe winter driving includes both being cautious and avoiding some typical dangerous mistakes. Here is a list of common driving mistakes to stay away from this winter:
Unnecessary Lane Changing
Changing lanes often and unnecessarily during the winter months is one of the worst things you can do because it increases your risk of spinning off the road. Unnecessary lane changes may cause you to hitch a patch of black ice or force your vehicle’s wheels into a thick buildup of snow or ice. When you can, it is best practice to generally stay in one lane on a straight path until you must turn or merge lanes.
Driving with a Low Fuel Amount
Driving on a quarter tank or less during the winter months is not ideal because winter weather can cause unexpected delays, leaving you helpless if a gas station is not immediately nearby. Ideally, it is best to keep your gas tank at least half full and keep some emergency items, such as blankets and some water, in your car just in case.
Forgetting to Change Your Tires
With inclement winter weather, driving on old tires that need to be replaced is one of the most dangerous mistakes you can make. Winter tires are important for providing additional traction on snow- and ice-covered surfaces, even if you already have four-wheel drive or all-wheel drive. It is best to schedule service on your tires and brakes before the winter weather sets in. Apple Chevy is a great destination for your Orland Chevy service.
Continuously Using Cruise Control
It is extremely dangerous to rely on your vehicle’s cruise control whilst driving on slick and icy roads during the winter months. Cruise control isn’t equipped with the feel that comes with human intuition to anticipate icy spots and snow mounds. It will often add power at the wrong time, which will lead to a loss of control. Alternatively, maintaining control of your vehicles’ gas pedal, brakes, and steering is a much safer choice to traverse challenging winter conditions.
Forgetting to Winterize Your Car
Sometime before the winter months, you should schedule auto maintenance to prep your vehicle for winter weather. Your Chevy service should include a thorough battery check because your battery power can lose strength as the temperature decreases, as well as a check of your lights, wiper blades, fluids, and tire pressure.
Becoming Panicked While Behind the Wheel
One of the facts about winter driving is that conditions will be challenging and at times, stressful, but it is very important to remain calm. Giving into panic can result in your vehicle skidding off the road when you apply too much pressure to your brakes. Most cars have an anti-lock brake system (ABS), meaning it will automatically pump the brakes for you. In the case of skidding, maintain steady pressure on the brake and focus on steering smoothly.
Forgetting to Prep Your Vehicle with Emergency Supplies
During the wintertime, you may get stuck on the road or experience delays due to inclement weather. For this reason, it is best to prep your vehicle with a snow shovel, jumper cables, a flashlight, emergency flares, and a bright piece of clothing that can be visibly during a storm or darkness. Additionally, for you and your passenger’s personal safety, it is a good idea to keep a kit of cold-weather clothing, blankets, spare phone charger, water, and a few non-perishable snacks.
All of these mistakes are common, so make sure you plan to avoid them this winter by scheduling service for your vehicle at your Tinley Park Chevy dealer, Apple Chevy, today!