Apple Joins Chevrolet in Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness this October

This October, Chevrolet is partnering with the American Cancer Society and Making Strides Against Breast Cancer to advance efforts to raise awareness and funds to defeat breast cancer. Chevrolet’s support for the American Cancer Society includes individual dealers promoting awareness about breast cancer, and Apple Chevy Tinley Park is joining these efforts to aid Making Strides in their work that has saved 375,900 lives through breakthrough research, 24/7 support for cancer patients, and access to lifesaving screenings.
Steve Majoros, U.S. Vice President of Chevrolet Marketing, said about the Chevy breast cancer awareness partnership with Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, “While 2020 is a unique year to say the least, we need to empower our communities more than ever. We hope you take advantage of the opportunity to support this cause…This is truly an outstanding cause and a wonderful way to support your community.”
Through this partnership, Chevrolet is aiding the American Cancer Society in doing incredibly important work to bring an end to breast cancer, including research, transportation care, providing a Hope Lodge, and operating a 24/7 helpline. The ACS’s research efforts involve spending over $69 million on 168 research grants related to breast cancer. In order to help patients access treatment, the American Cancer Society also provides transportation care, totaling nearly 490,000 rides to treatment in 2019, as well as Hope Lodging, giving patients and loved ones more than 500,000 nights of free lodging in 2019. In addition, the ACS maintains a 24/7 Cancer Helpline to aid in awareness and treatment efforts, reaching 1.42 million calls and chats answered in 2019.
A partner with Making Strides Against Breast Cancer for the tenth consecutive year, Chevrolet has contributed over $13 million towards the goal of eradicating a disease that impacts millions of Americans every year.

Although the public health circumstances in 2020 prevent the American Cancer Society from holding the annual MSABC walk this year, there are many ways Chevrolet is working with local dealers to make an impact on breast cancer awareness. Across the United States, General Motors employees are encouraged to participate in local dealer activities, like those at Apple Chevy Tinley Park, to support Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, including encouraging colleagues, family, and friends to show their support by joining the fight against breast cancer. Participants can also download the American Cancer Society FUNdraising App from Google Play or the App Story to register for events, track progress, and accept donations.
Outside of local events, employees and customers can provide direct contributions here, or those interested in helping end breast cancer can participate in the #IDriveFor social media fundraising program. For every post on Twitter and Instagram that uses the hashtag #IDriveFor in the month of October, Chevrolet will donate $5 to the American Cancer Society, up to $220,000. Additionally, Chevrolet customers can participate in the My Reward point contribution by donating 1,000 My Chevrolet Rewards points, a $5 value contribution, to support Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.