Apple Chevrolet’s Technology Clinics Please join us on: Wednesday, November 4th at 7:00PM for another technology clinic! These clinics are great for anyone that has a newer GM vehicle that has options the customer...
While this time of year has Halloween on everyone’s brain, October is also a very important month for Breast Cancer awareness! All of us at Apple Chevrolet want you to know that breast cancer is...
Chevrolet is ramping up its support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month for the fifth-consecutive year. Through the company’s partnership with the American Cancer Society, their contributions have totaled $4,462,326, and hundreds of local walks...
What makes some people put their heart and soul into old junkers? What inspires them to spend an untold amount of time, and who knows how much money on old, broken down jalopies? It’s...
At Apple Chevrolet, we are always thrilled, but never surprised, when a Chevy racing car wins another race. We will never grow tired of it. That said, it was great to see Chevy racing...
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